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Exchange provides Computer to Computer Link (CTCL) facility in addition to Exchange Trading Workstations (NEXTRA) to Members of the Exchange for carrying out trading on Exchange Trading Platform. Members can either procure the CTCL software from the vendors/ASP empanelled with the Exchange or develop the CTCL software in-house.

The approval process of Non-NEAT front-end is governed by the Exchange. For developing the Non- NEAT front-end application, member has to refer an API document of the Exchange. This document describes the protocol to be used for Non-NEAT Front-end (NNF) to communicate with the Exchange’s Trading System. Alternately, the members can procure the Non-NEAT Front-end from the vendors empanelled with the Exchange.

The external trading software includes software used for Computer to Computer Link (CTCL), Internet Based Trading (IBT), Security Trading through Wireless Technologies (STWT) & Algorithmic Trading (AT). Members can also build software to read tick by tick data

Type One time charges (Rs./-Lakh) Annual recurring charges (Rs./-Lakh)
Vendor empanelment – CTCL 10.00 2.50
Vendor empanelment – ATS - 0.50
Member in-house developed software - CTCL 1.00 0.50
Member in-house developed software - ATS 0.50 -