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NCDEX data dissemination refers to real time and delayed data feed as well as historical data of commodities and contracts traded on NCDEX. The data feed includes future and spot prices and Indices. The usage of any data under this data feed tariff document shall be governed by the separate agreement to be executed on or before subscription.

Data Feed

A Data Feed is the provision of Data to a subscriber:

  • In the form of a stream of continuous data or
  • In the form of a data set and/or data file or
  • In any other form, which results in the contracted use of such Data by the recipient of the Data Feed.
Real-time data feed
The real-time data consists of price quotations and other information relating to trading on the exchange and is made available on a continuous basis using dedicated leased line or internet. Real-time data feed of the Exchange is disseminated without any imputed delays
Delayed data feed
Delayed data comprises of price quotations and other information relating to trading on the exchange all of which is generated with a delay of 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes and End of days.
Historical data
Historical data comprises of Order book and Trade book information relating to commodities and the charges are for per year of historical data.
Data feed Policy and Tariff Document